Home » Summer


Peach Tarte Tatin

Easy Individual Peach Tarte Tatins

Summer is admittedly not my favorite season. I know legions disagree with me on this, and that’s okay. Individual Peach Tarte Tatins, warm with vanilla ice cream, make the long, hot summers totally worth it. See, the thing is, I have curly hair. Like seriously curly, big, unruly, frizzy-if-you-breathe-on-it kind […]

Funnel Cake

Simple and Delicious Funnel Cake

Some days are better than others, folks. Some days are Funnel Cake Day!!! I have a deep and abiding love of funnel cake. As a kid, I counted the days until the annual fire department carnival, mostly because it was the nearest source of funnel cake. It’s my one must-hit, […]

Corn Dogs

Fun and Easy Corn Dogs at Home

Carnivals, state fairs, amusement parks, the boardwalk at the beach, all of the most fun places in a child’s world, and you can find corn dogs at every one of them! They’re a classic for a reason: they’re kid-friendly, easy to eat, and have the everything’s-more-fun-to-eat-on-a-stick factor going for them. […]

The Best Fried Apple Hand Pies

The Best Fried Apple Hand Pies

Apple pie is All-American comfort food at it’s best. Fried apple hand pies are all of that, in a portable, deep-fried package. For me, these little hand pies are a classic summer fair food and connected to all of the good, carefree memories I have of eating them, still warm, […]

Friend Green Tomatoes

Classic Southern Fried Green Tomatoes

Summer weather is winding down up here on my mountain, and it’s not too long before frost comes to my garden beds. It always breaks my heart to see those tomatoes that won’t have the time to ripen, but there’s no way I’m letting them go to waste! That’s where […]